The Youth Ministry of Hope
7th - 12th Grades
The teen years can be hard to navigate. The pressure from friends and culture is real. Our goal is to help each teenager come to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Teens with Hope consists of Junior High and High School groups, which meet every Wednesday at 7:00pm. This class allows teaching to be directed to their specific needs. Monthly activities offer a high-energy opportunity for fellowship and spiritual growth.
We continually strive to remind them that they can make a difference. Through Christ they can impact family, friends and their community. Hope provides caring leaders, with a burden for teens, and a desire to help guide teens to live to their fullest potential by providing the tools necessary to live a godly, faithful, prayerful, pure life.
Junior High (7th-8th Grades)
High School (9th-12th Grades)​

Jon and Brittany Roque
Youth Leaders